kijiji chat

celebrating bipoc creatives

Huetar Horizons in the usvi: Iréne de Brice's Visual Testament to Ancestry
Kijiji Sanaa Kijiji Sanaa

Huetar Horizons in the usvi: Iréne de Brice's Visual Testament to Ancestry

Driven by a cultural reverence for elders, Iréne embarked on an academic odyssey, achieving a master's and a PhD—milestones that granted her the validation to pursue artistry, as per her father's decree. A subsequent unexpected relocation to the US Virgin Islands became an unexpected interlude, providing the time and space needed to reshape her focus and creative energies. Today, she operates as an independent design and creative studio, catering to heart-based solopreneurs with a commitment to ecological consciousness and social equity.

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Ugandan Mosaics and the dazzling dots of little aweko

Ugandan Mosaics and the dazzling dots of little aweko

Behind the vibrant dots and strokes lies a poignant inspiration - Aweko's role as a mother to an autistic child. In a rare glimpse into her personal narrative, she shares a moment when a book described autism as a puzzle. This metaphor stuck, shaping her view of the individuals in her portraits as puzzles, each dot of color representing a unique aspect of their lives and personalities.

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the Journey of 100 challenge : The Art of Adopting a Growth Mindset
Kijiji Sanaa Kijiji Sanaa

the Journey of 100 challenge : The Art of Adopting a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset propels us to view challenges as invitations rather than threats. Challenges become the raw material for growth, pushing us out of our comfort zones and nudging us toward innovation. When we welcome challenges with open arms, we not only develop resilience but also discover hidden reservoirs of creativity within ourselves.

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Rhythms of Resilience: Samwel Japhet’s Inspirational Dance Across Continents
Tanzanian Artist, African Artist, Dancer Kijiji Sanaa Tanzanian Artist, African Artist, Dancer Kijiji Sanaa

Rhythms of Resilience: Samwel Japhet’s Inspirational Dance Across Continents

Explore the compelling journey of Tanzanian dance artist Samwel Japhet, as he weaves tales of resilience through movement. From the shadows of homelessness to global stages, discover how Japhet's art transcends borders, addressing societal issues and inspiring change. Join us on this transformative odyssey that echoes the universal language of human triumph.

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Basquiat’s former home becomes a communal artist space in NYC
Kijiji Sanaa Kijiji Sanaa

Basquiat’s former home becomes a communal artist space in NYC

Nestled at 57 Great Jones Street, Atelier Jolie beckons passersby with its unassuming yet captivating facade. A historic site resonating with the echoes of artistic brilliance, this address was once home to the legendary painter Jean-Michel Basquiat during the vibrant 1980s. The building's front panels, adorned with the graffiti of local artists and Basquiat enthusiasts over the years, have been lovingly preserved during the store's meticulous renovation. This act is not merely a nod to architectural integrity but a homage to the artistic legacy etched into the very essence of the space.

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Flor y Color: mj’s Botanical Mural Masterpieces Inspired by Mexico's Vibrant Heritage

Flor y Color: mj’s Botanical Mural Masterpieces Inspired by Mexico's Vibrant Heritage

MJ's artistic narrative, deeply rooted in nature's splendor and cultural influences, continues to evolve, promising an artistic voyage rich in exploration, growth, and enchanting creations. Her murals not only decorate spaces but also serve as windows to an ethereal world of botanical marvels and creative depth.

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Mindfulness Techniques for BIPOC Creatives: Cultivating Inspired Artistry
Kijiji Sanaa Kijiji Sanaa

Mindfulness Techniques for BIPOC Creatives: Cultivating Inspired Artistry

For BIPOC creatives, integrating mindfulness into their artistry is about honoring their roots, embracing the present, and channeling cultural connections into inspired creations. Through these mindfulness techniques, BIPOC artists can deepen their relationship with their craft, allowing their unique narratives to flourish in the world of art.

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Honoring Louisa Keyser: Celebrating the Legacy of a Washoe Native American Basket Maker
Textiles, Native American Art, Female Artists Kijiji Sanaa Textiles, Native American Art, Female Artists Kijiji Sanaa

Honoring Louisa Keyser: Celebrating the Legacy of a Washoe Native American Basket Maker

Her impact, felt within the Navajo, Washoe, and broader indigenous communities, continues to inspire reverence and admiration. Louisa Keyser stands as a testament to the resilience, creativity, and cultural richness of Native American heritage, leaving an everlasting imprint on generations to come.

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Reel Diversity: Films Amplifying POC Narratives

January feature film:

Des pieds, mon pied

"Des pieds, mon pied" (Some Feet, My Foot), a concise and experimental documentary by Fabienne Kanor, unfolds against the backdrop of her relentless pursuit of home and integration—an odyssey encapsulated, as a psychologist in the film asserts, in the endeavor to "lay down...the heavy bags" she carries. Framed around Kanor's feet, the film immerses itself in her exploration of roots, unearthing the past, and seeking her place in the present. A native of France with Martinican heritage, Kanor, renowned for her four novels, including "D'Eaux douces" (Freshwater) and "Anticorps" (Antibody), brings her literary prowess into the visual realm. Beyond her novels, she has ventured into the realm of cinema, crafting two short films and contributing to the creation of several documentaries. "Des pieds, mon pied" invites viewers into the intimate realm of Kanor's journey, with her feet serving as the lens through which the narrative unfolds. The film navigates the intricate terrain of her quest for belonging, seamlessly weaving together the threads of past and present.

Kanor's unique perspective, conveyed through the lens of her feet, imparts a visceral quality to the storytelling. The camera becomes a silent companion, tracing the contours of her footsteps, echoing the subtle nuances of her internal dialogue. The quest for home is refracted through the prism of her personal history, offering viewers a poignant exploration of identity, migration, and the ever-elusive concept of home. As a filmmaker, novelist, and documentarian, Fabienne Kanor continues to illuminate the intersections of identity, migration, and the human experience. "Des pieds, mon pied" stands as a testament to her ability to transcend conventional narrative structures, inviting audiences to step into the rhythm of her footsteps and engage with the complexities of the quest for home and integration.

kijiji jams

A spotlight on BIPOC musicians